Einar's Photos (4)
Images of the natural world, sometimes including people and the built environment.
Click on the name of an album (or a sub-album) to see thumbnails of the images it contains. To see an individual image, click on its thumbnail. Clicking on the displayed image will enlarge it. (Note that using the browser zoom feature does not enlarge the image, only the text.) To go back to the previous view, use the browser's back arrow. To navigate between albums, click on the "breadcrumbs" at the top of the page.
To see multiple images, I recommend maximizing your browser and clicking the "View Slideshow" button. During a slideshow, you can use the controls at the top to go back, stop, pause, play, or go forward. If your mouse pointer is actually on an image, the slideshow will pause until the pointer moves off the image.
Please note that, while I think that some of these images may have some photographic merit, my goal was to capture interesting things I saw in various places and to give the viewer something of the feeling of being there. Perhaps some images rate a bit better than the typical "what I did on my summer vacation" sort, but the images generally are not intended to be in the "art" or "competition images" categories. I am well aware of this and I hope you will enjoy them anyway. End of disclaimer.
© 2001-2025 W. Einar Gall. All rights reserved.
2021-07-04 10:09 AMImages of denizens of zoos, particularly San Diego Zoo Global and the San Diego Zoo Safari Park.
La Jolla
2023-07-06 6:12 PMImages from the La Jolla area
New York City
2015-02-07 12:00 AMImages of New York City.
Santa Fe
2021-07-04 10:17 AMImages from Santa Fe, "The City Different."
Older images in subalbums
2021-07-04 10:16 AMThese images have been imported from my old-style website gallery.
Miscellaneous Images
2021-07-04 10:07 AMMiscellaneous favorites from various places.