Einar's Photos | Archive | June 2006 (6)

Total matches for June 2006: 200

Hugh Town, St. Mary's Island, The Isles of Scilly
Hussey's Store, Sneem, Co. Kerry, Ireland
I should know this little Irish bird....
Internet Cafe, Waterville, Co. Kerry, Ireland
Irish Rose, Sneem, Co. Kerry, Ireland
Jack-in-the-pulpit type of flower
Jack-in-the-Pulpit type of plant
John Meade Pub. Ireland's only "flyover" pub.
John Meade's Pub
John Meade's Pub award.
John Meade's Pub. "Flyover" refers to the road on the stone bridge seen above the pub roof.
Just after sunrise along the Irish coast
Kensington Palace and Queen Victoria statue
Kittiwake, Dunmore East
Kittiwakes, Great Saltee Island, off the southeastern coast of Ireland
Land's End, Cornwall, with Harrisons' farm at far right (see the light?)
Lion on fence at Natural History Museum
Little Skellig, home to many nesting gannets
London buildings
London Chatham and Dover Railway sign

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